Introducing our Woodworking area.


When we initially informed parents that we intended to have a ‘woodwork’ area, for the children to access, several parents understandably raised some concerns.
However, I want to allay those concerns by reassuring you that:

  • The area will ALWAYS be supervised.
  • The children MUST follow the rules and safety measures put in place, otherwise they will not be allowed to use it.
  • There has been a wealth of research and analysis into the benefits and learning that the children gain, by engaging in this area of play, and below I have listed just a few of the aims and Characteristics of Effective Learning your child will acquire, by being involved in this ongoing project.
  • Engaging in open-ended activity.
  • Showing a ‘can do’ attitude.
  • Taking a risk, engaging in new experiences, and learning by trial and error.
  • Maintaining focus on their activity for a period of time.
  • Paying attention to details.
  • Persisting with activity when challenges occur.
  • Showing a belief that more effort or a different approach will pay off.
  • Showing satisfaction in meeting their own goals.
  • Being proud of how they accomplished something- not just the end result.
  • Finding ways to solve problems.
  • Testing their ideas.
  • Planning, making decisions about how to approach a task, solve a problem and reach a goal.

And finally, I hope the resulting photographs and future blogs will prove to you that your children are participating in learning that is both exciting and worthwhile!